Monday, December 29, 2008

A very Merry Christmas Indeed

Christmas 2008 was a very special one for me. It was our first Christmas as a family of four. Someday soon I will write a post about the challenges of becoming a family of four. Right now though let's focus on Christmas. Even though little Dane was not quite 8 weeks old I was very excited about having a reason to put out two stockings full of goodies and shop for and wrap presents for two kids.

Drew was definitely more excited about Christmas and Santa this year than he's ever been. It's so much fun to create this magic for him. And now we get to create it for Dane too. There was one moment this Christmas that was particularly special. We were about to eat Christmas dinner at my mom's house when my mom said we should pray. This family only prays before a meal three times a year; Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. I don't think it makes up for not doing it the rest of the year but whatever. After we finished our very typically Catholic prayer Drew asked if he could say a prayer himself. In front of ten adults he said in his little 5 year old voice

"God thank-you for our food. Thank-you for our bodies. May we all have a great day. Amen"

It was precious and adorable and it also made me very proud. He spoke up in front of a group and he hadn't forgotten what Christmas was all about. I'd been telling him daily what it was about but I was afraid my voice had become very muffled with the noise of the holiday season. But somehow, someway he heard me. Will he always hear me? I don't know, but I do know I'll never stop talking. I'll never stop giving him the lessons that I think are vital to a good life and I'll hope and pray that my voice never becomes too muffled for him to hear.

The Wee Hours of the Morning

It's 6:30 a.m. and I'm up eating breakfast and drinking tea. Why am I up? Is it because I have an 8 week old baby who rises early to eat? Oh no he's fast asleep in his bed and will be until at least 8:30. Maybe I rise early on purpose to get some time alone to get some writing done? No; it's because I have a 5 year old kid who completely lacks the ability to sleep past 6 am.

This is one of the things about Drew that I both love and hate at the same time. Right now when I'm tired and I've been up several times throughout the night nursing; I hate that he is such an early riser. But later in the day after I've had a cup of coffee and gained some perspective I realize that I love this little personality quirk. He starts every day with an enthusiasm that I envy. He never wakes up grumpy or sleepy. He's up, he's happy and he's ready to tackle his day. He loves his life and he can't wait to get back to it every morning. While I think that most kids start their days in a similiar fashion it seems like alot of us lose this as we grow up. I don't think Drew will. He is happy, energetic and lively. I love these facets of his personality and I can't imagine him outgrowing this.

In 15 years when he's out living his life I will look back on these early mornings fondly. Drew and I watching cartoons or playing games at a time of day when it feels like we are the only ones around. The neighborhood is silent; the phone doesnt' ring. It just the two of us doing whatever we please. Usually it involves cartoons and waffles and a special start to what will hopefully be a great day

Thanks for reminding me how special the wee hours of the morning can be Drew!

Friday, December 26, 2008

Blog Test

This is a test blog to verify that I know what I'm doing. Once I'm confident this will work I will start my personal diary dedicated to my sons Drew and Dane. For now this will be a private blog. My intention is only to document my thoughts and any special moments that I want my sons to be able to read about in the future. Every family has their own way of passing on memories to future generations and I think this will be mine.

Maybe over time if I decide it would benefit me or the boys I'll make this space public but for now I'm keeping it between me and my boys.