Today's post is dedicated to the newest member of our family. Little Dane, or as we have taken to calling him at home; Daner. In just a few days he will be three months old. I can't believe how quickly time has passed since he arrived. I know that's not a very original statement, all parents say time flies by but the reason we all say it is because its true! I already feel like my baby is growing up way too fast. I miss the little newborn cry that is already gone, and I miss the way he would sleep on my chest all curled up in a ball. Now his cry is deeper, stronger and he sleeps best flat on his back with his arms stretched over his head.
So at three months we are already starting to see little bits of personality come out. Daner is an extremely mellow baby. I'm amazed at how much time he can spend just hanging out taking things in. I wonder how much of his world he's absorbing and what exactly is being done with all of this new information. Brian and I are always commenting that it appears that great things are going on behind his little blue eyes. I think he will amaze us someday. This is a very different experience for us. Our first baby was all about motion and action and energy. This time not so much. It's kind of nice to have a different experience. It reminds us that Dane is and always will be a completely different person than his brother.
He has so many little quirks that I love about him. The way his upper lip sticks out just a little further than his bottom one. The way that he tries so hard to get my fingers in his mouth while I'm changing his clothes. Any time a finger comes anywhere near his face he opens wide, stretches his neck to reach and lets out this growl as he tries with all his might to get some part of my hand in his mouth. It's a game for him and it makes me laugh every time. I also love the serious looks he gives us. He has the brow furrow down pat, its as if he knows something we don't and he can't wait until we finally figure it out.
I love the way he gazes at his older brother. Its already apparent that he finds Drew awe inspiring. I can't wait to watch their relationship blossom into something special. I think it would be terribly sad for me as their mother if they didn't grow up to love and value each other.
Even though I am mourning the time that has already passed with Dane; I am looking forward to the next three months. Everyday I get to know him a little more and its truly a gift to be able to do that.
So Happy 3 Month Birthday Daner! We love you and we are so happy that you came to us this year.