Monday, December 21, 2009
Happy Birthday Drew!

Saturday, December 19, 2009
The Christmas Tree Hunt That Wasn't
Thursday, December 10, 2009
He Ate Poop!
Thankfully Brian was home to help because I honestly froze for a minute totally unsure of what to do. This was by far the most foul thing either of my kids have done. I did snap out of it and we tackled the job of bathing and disinfecting every inch of his little body. I am actually not a germ freak by any means but I have my limits and cat poop is one of them. Dane is clean and not at all worse for the wear. The cat on the other hand is walking on thin ice. The only thing saving her fuzzy butt right now is the fact that she is Drew's cat and he loves her. Only a truly cruel mother would give away a little boys beloved pet. I have no idea how to prevent further cat poop snacks but hopefully we'll come up with something quick.

I did not take the time to document the chaos last night so this is just a picture of the evil culprit. I've taken to calling her Shitty when Drew isn't around. It's my totally juvenile way of dealing with this whole thing. Do not let her cute face fool you, there is evil in those eyes I swear!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Thanksgiving In Review
I've gotten pretty good at predicting meltdowns and I could tell before the first helpings of sweet potatoes were eaten that we were on our way. So, in order to save the rest of the family from witnessing the carnage we got out of there. We managed to salvage the rest of our day with some more quiet family time at home that evening. I was finding myself very thankful for my boys and our cozy little home. It couldn't have worked out better in my opinion.
Monday, December 7, 2009
And away we go!
Hopefully I will at least be able to find the time to write about all the memories we create this season as they happen. There is a lot to look forward to in the next couple of weeks; the big Christmas tree hunt, Drew's 6th birthday, visits with Santa, building Gingerbread houses at Grammy's house, homemade Christmas presents to make and of course the main event Christmas morning.
Stay tuned, there should be much more to come!
Monday, November 23, 2009
It's Story Time!

Sometimes we get what we wish for. Sometimes we should REALLY think about what we are wishing for.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
The Elusive "Long-Arm Shot"
Over the years Drew and I have pretty much perfected the classic "long-arm" picture. You know the one where you pose in the picture and take the picture at the same time. It takes a bit of practice to become skilled at holding your arm out as far away as possible and still keeping everyone in the frame. I have dozens and dozens of adorable shots like this of Drew and I.
Now Dane has come along and I have completely lost my long arm skills. I have tried numerous times over the last year to get shots of the three of us while were out doing something fun or playing at home. I have yet to get a shot where you can see all three of our faces. Below is a sample of how the pics turn out. I tried to take these on a beautiful day in October when the boys and I were frolicking in the back-yard. (yes I used the word frolicking)
Friday, November 6, 2009
Birthday Boy
"I can't believe its been a year"
"Time goes by so fast"
"My baby isn't a baby anymore"
Luckily I waited a few days so I could write about this with a slightly clearer head. I've recovered from the birthday cake buzz and aching uterus. I can celebrate now. My baby is 1! Yay!
Going Old School
I made Drew sit at the kitchen table and write out "Do Not Pick Up Dane" ten times. The history behind this sentence is that I have to tell Drew at least 20 times a day not to pick up his brother. Dane is getting too heavy for Drew and I can pretty much count on the fact that he'll get dropped and sometime he gets really hurt. Since Drew is only in Kindergarten and just starting to write, I wrote it out first in yellow highlighter and made him trace it. I figured I'm getting a two for one here. He's hopefully burning this rule into his little head and practicing his letters at the same time.
Was it affective? Did it work? I don't know but I did have to chuckle a little at the sight of him hunched over his paper, pencil in hand working so diligently on his punishment. After he was done I asked him if he thought he would have an easier time remembering now that he wrote the rule so many times. His response "I don't know. Maybe we should hang it up on the wall so I can look at it and remember". That's a good sign right?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Soccer Stuff
To start off with I was given a team with all boys. Six 5-year old boys. Anyone spend a lot of time with 5 year old boys? If you have; you know exactly where this is going. These boys are enthusiastic, energetic, creative, curious and exhausting all at the same time. I started the season off trying to be the nice, encouraging happy-go-lucky coach. After two practices of having my butt kicked by little boys I realized I needed to take a new approach. They were shocked when they showed up to practice to find me armed with a whistle and an attitude.
We instilled a new "one-warning" policy. They would get one warning from me and then after that spend the rest of practice on the sidelines watching. I only actually had to do this twice the entire rest of the season. At first I was worried that they would hate me and hate practices. That it wouldn't be fun enough for them. But I very quickly realized that they loved the new me. All of the sudden I had order and some control and they were trying hard to please me and do well. It was amazing! They are still kids so things weren't perfect by any means but definitely better.
This past season has been so challenging for me but also so rewarding. I'm happy to have met these little boys and happy to have had a small little part in their lives. I don't think I have a future in coaching by any means but it's nice to step out of your personal box and try something new.
Pumpkin Pickin'
Monday, October 5, 2009
Heading to Hood River
This weekend we hit Rasmussen Farms a totally adorable orchard that offers tons of apples and pears for sale along wtih a free corn maze and pumpkin bowling for kids. Then after that we headed downtown. This weekend was the second annual Hops Fest so Brian was giddy with excitement to get down there. This event was advertised as "family friendly" but I should have known that any event revolving around alcohol is not truly family friendly. The small section they had for kids took us about 5 minutes to go through and then the boys were officially bored. So Brian and I decided to part ways for a couple of hours. I left him there to sample micro-brews and mingle while the boys and I walked around town.
As usual we had a great time and as usual I had a huge longing in my heart as we drove away. Who knows, maybe someday I'll get to live out my fantasy of being a Hood River resident. Or maybe Hood River could never live up to my expectations and its just better that I dream about it. Either way our annual trek up north is one family tradition that I will make sure we hang on to no matter what.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Mommy is Tired

First Day of Kindergarten
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Special Morning
I woke Drew up at an ungodly hour and told him we were going to see hot air balloons. He was groggy but he seemed excited once he understood what we were doing. We hopped in the car in our pajamas; made a pit stop at Starbucks and headed out. When we got there it was a little breezy so only one balloon was actually inflated. But it was beautiful and he was able to get as close as he wanted. While it would have been so much more exciting for him to see twenty balloon shovering in the sky; he still had a great time. And I promised we would do it again next year.
Beach Weekend
We ate too much, we drank too much, we played in the ocean. And we did it all with amazing friends. We can't wait until next year!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Catching Up
I shouldn't make it sound as though I literally don't have 10 minutes to spare. Because I do find myself with that extra 10 minutes here and there but I have so many things to choose from that the blog never seems to make it to the top of the list. My favorite thing to do when I have a free moment is absolutely nothing. It's not all that productive but it feels so good!
I really do want this blog to be a place to record special moments with my family. I want them to be able to come here and read about the things we have done together. I am vowing to stop thinking about the things I'll put in blog and actually start writing them.
So in order to get caught up a little bit; the next few posts will be about things we have done in the last few months that I really want to make sure get written down. Whew! I have some writing to do!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
"When I Was a New Kid"
Most of the time I listen very intently and ask questions and try to let his creative juices flow when he tells me a story. I know that he is creating a world that is all his own where he gets to decide what happens and I respect that. But there are days when I really hate his "other" mom. She is apparently way cooler than I am. For instance she used to be a super hero. I have no powers to speak of other than my power to make him do things he just doesn't want to. She also took him to the beach a lot more often than I do. I actually find myself resenting this way cooler mom that he sometimes enjoys a lot more than he does me. How ridiculous is it for me to have resentment toward an imaginary mom? Is this a sign of some serious insecurity on my part? Or maybe I'm just tired of hearing the "New Kid" stories over and over and over again. Either way its one of those little quirks about Drew that I know we will miss when he is older. I will continue to listen to him talk about his other mom as enthusiastically as possible because you know what? He's talking to me, and he loves it and I don't want that to EVER go away.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Tooth Tales

So for about two weeks we had daily wiggle tests on the tooth. I was starting to get worried that we were going to have to help it along and I knew that would make Drew nervous. Luckily it just fell out on his own while he was wrestling with his Daddy one day. There was a little bit of blood at first so Drew wasn't happy so much as scared by the blood. As soon as it stopped though he started to get very worked up about his first visit from the tooth fairy.
He decided right before bed that he didn't like the idea of a strange fairy coming into his bedroom in the middle of night. And really who can blame him? The whole concept is a little creepy. So to make him feel safer we decided to leave the tooth in a glass of water on the kitchen counter. And because he was lucky enough to lose his tooth right before Valentine's Day he got money and a special Valentine from the tooth fairy. I don't think he'll be at all worried about the next visit from her.
So being the sappy mom that I am I have to admit I'm a little sad about losing that first baby tooth. One by one they will all fall out and continually remind me that my baby is not a baby anymore. He's growing up.
Art Swap 2009

Sunday, January 25, 2009
Baby Dane

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Welcome 2009
Happy New Year boys! It's 2009 and I am so excited about the year we have ahead of us. I made a big decision that is affecting us all. I won't be going back to work; instead I'll be home to take care of you guys. Drew this will especially affect you since you are 5 years old and I've been a working mom your entire life. I can't tell you how happy I am to get the chance to have some real adventures with you before you start going to school full time. Every time you tell me how glad you are that I don't go to work any more I know I've made the right decision.
Dane you will grow up only knowing life with me at home. You won't have any idea what it's like to have to go to a babysitter while mom runs off to work in the morning. I hope you will one day appreciate how special that is. I have so many plans for you and I over the next few years.
This does mean that as a familiy we will have less money. This is something that Daddy and I will have to work with but we agree that it will be worth it. It might be hard sometimes when we can't eat out as often as we want or buy everything we want but hopefully we will be able to teach you guys that family is far more important than anything that can be bought. My hope for 2009 is that we become closer as a family and gain some perspective about the things in life that are truly valuable.
So here's to an amazing year and great start to our new life!