Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Drew!

December 21st was the big day. Drew is finally 6! He's been talking about turning six since the day after he turned five; so it's been a long wait. In honor of the big day I decided to recap the day of his birth. Every kid should know about the day of their birth right?

At 3 a.m. on December 21st 2003 I woke up wet. I thought I had wet the bed. I jumped up and went to the bathroom to clean myself up and then I had to wake Brian and tell him that I had either peed myself or gone into labor. I wasn't really sure which. I wasn't having any pain so we decided to try to go back to sleep and see what happens. I managed to sleep off and on for the next two hours between contractions. I really didn't want to be one of those over-anxious first timers who ran to the hospital every time she had gas. So I kept insisting on waiting just to see if it was real. Finally at 7 a.m. we called my doctor who told me to get my butt in to the hospital ASAP. It turns out that once your water breaks the baby is at an increased risk of infection so they want you at hospital right away; not four hours later.

We had made plans to have breakfast with my mom that morning so we called her to give her the news and headed to the hospital. Our first rookie mistake was calling every family member and telling them we were at the hospital. By noon that day I had barely dilated but had 10 people in my room watching me and waiting for something to happen. My mom showed up with a huge platter of fudge that everybody nibbled on while I crunched my ice and glared at them all. By early evening I had gotten an epidural and needed a nap so Brian came to my rescue and kicked the whole family out. The only one allowed to stay for the long haul was my mom.
I started pushing at 8 pm and pushed for two very long hours. I was in complete shock at what a marathon this whole labor thing was. Finally at 10:03 p.m. Andrew Michael Iverson was born! I'll be completely honest here when he came out the only thing I was thinking was "Thank God that is over!". It took me a few seconds to snap out of it and realize it was time to meet my baby.

There he was staring at me with a head full of dark hair. I know it isn't this way for all parents but for me I was head over heels in love the second Drew and I made eye contact. It was just a feeling that overwhelmed me. Thank God I had that feeling because it was the only thing that got me through the next few days. The struggle with breastfeeding, the sleep deprivation all of it. Brian and I were thrown in the trenches of parenthood and getting our butts kicked quite honestly. It was definitely my overwhelming instinct with Drew that made me muddle through and figure out this whole parenting thing. Now six years later I'm feeling much more confident in our abilities. And we have a handsome, happy smart little boy to show for it.

Happy Birthday Drew! You are and always will be the one that made me a mother and for that I am grateful. I love you Bear!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The Christmas Tree Hunt That Wasn't

One of our most treasured Christmas traditions is going out into the woods and cutting down our own Christmas tree. We did it when I was 9 months preggers with Drew and we did it last year with a 4 week old Dane in tow. Nothing stops us! Except for a wacky work schedule and 10 degree weather. There was only a small window of days when we had a whole day to dedicate to the hunt. It just so happened those were the days when the temps never rose over 10 degrees. We decided it was smarter and safer for the boys to buy our tree this year.

Posing at the tree lot.
It was disappointing at first especially for Drew. But by the time we started decorating the Christmas Spirit won us over and we had a great afternoon making our bought tree beautiful. No worries though, we will get back to the woods next year. I'll make sure of that!
Daddy's little helper.

Finding the perfect spot for his ornament.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

He Ate Poop!

There really is no gentle way to say this so I'll just spit it out. Last night Dane ate cat poop! I can't even begin to describe how disgusting this whole event was. Let's start with Abby, the cat. The evil, diabolical cat who on occasion will do her business somewhere other than the litter box. She has done it on clothes left in a pile, on a pillow or two and most recently on the dogs bed. We were gone for several hours yesterday afternoon. Not long after we got home I walked into the den to see Dane sitting on the floor in front of the dog bed. I looked down and saw the little pile of poop that Abby left for us. Then I looked at Dane and saw the piece he was clutching in his fist. At this moment I let out something between a scream and a groan of disgust. This startled poor Dane so much that he fell backwards and landed flat on his back screaming. Which is when I caught sight of the poop floating around in his mouth!

Thankfully Brian was home to help because I honestly froze for a minute totally unsure of what to do. This was by far the most foul thing either of my kids have done. I did snap out of it and we tackled the job of bathing and disinfecting every inch of his little body. I am actually not a germ freak by any means but I have my limits and cat poop is one of them. Dane is clean and not at all worse for the wear. The cat on the other hand is walking on thin ice. The only thing saving her fuzzy butt right now is the fact that she is Drew's cat and he loves her. Only a truly cruel mother would give away a little boys beloved pet. I have no idea how to prevent further cat poop snacks but hopefully we'll come up with something quick.

I did not take the time to document the chaos last night so this is just a picture of the evil culprit. I've taken to calling her Shitty when Drew isn't around. It's my totally juvenile way of dealing with this whole thing. Do not let her cute face fool you, there is evil in those eyes I swear!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving In Review

Let's talk Turkey! Yes we made it through another Thanksgiving. The morning was probably my favorite part of the whole day. I got up and made pumpkin waffles and we stayed in our pajamas and watched the parade as long as we could before having to head out. This year we spent the holiday with my in-law's at Brian's mom's house. Overall it was a very nice day. The usual Thanksgiving fair; food, football, family. Unfortunately the boys are the only kids on this side of the family so they can get a little bored and restless. And to make it worse Drew was battling a cold. Brian and I took turns playing soccer in the back yard, crawling up and down the stairs and coloring pictures to keep the charges happy. It worked well for a while but we did not hang around long after dinner.

Pre-meltdown chow time.

I've gotten pretty good at predicting meltdowns and I could tell before the first helpings of sweet potatoes were eaten that we were on our way. So, in order to save the rest of the family from witnessing the carnage we got out of there. We managed to salvage the rest of our day with some more quiet family time at home that evening. I was finding myself very thankful for my boys and our cozy little home. It couldn't have worked out better in my opinion.

Monday, December 7, 2009

And away we go!

So the season has officially started. I always feel like Thanksgiving Day is the equivalent to starting a big race. The whole family is at the starting line; stretching, warming up, plotting the course in their heads. The minute the turkey hits the table it's like the gun going off. Everyone starts running! We eat, we shop, we socialize, we go as fast as we can and before you know it we've hit the finish line. Evey year I tell myself we'll slow down and every year it feels just as chaotic as it always has. But the thing is that in the midst of it I'm having a blast. Sure there's some stress here and there but usually it's unnecessary and totally self-imposed. But when I think about cutting out some of our many holiday traditions I can't think of one that I would want to stop doing. I'm like a holiday stress addict or something.

Hopefully I will at least be able to find the time to write about all the memories we create this season as they happen. There is a lot to look forward to in the next couple of weeks; the big Christmas tree hunt, Drew's 6th birthday, visits with Santa, building Gingerbread houses at Grammy's house, homemade Christmas presents to make and of course the main event Christmas morning.

Stay tuned, there should be much more to come!

Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Story Time!

I always knew that I would want my kids to love reading as much as I do. I've made sure that books are a big part of life in the Iverson household. Lately though; Dane has taken it to a whole new level. He spends a better part of his days with books. Since he has started walking; he has taken to picking up a book and then following me around with it, while grunting cave man style. His little face says "Read to me Mama" and I of course can't resist. So I drop what I'm doing and sit down to read. We do this A LOT. I mean like all day long repeatedly. Just this morning Dane sat in my lap for 45 minutes without moving while I read the same five board books to him over and over and over again.

"I know we just read this but please one more time?"

It's great that he loves his books so much right? I mean it's exactly what I spend all day every day reading Elmo and Clifford and Maisy books ad nauseum. That's every woman's dream isn't it?

See how cute and insistent he is?

Sometimes we get what we wish for. Sometimes we should REALLY think about what we are wishing for.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Elusive "Long-Arm Shot"

Over the years Drew and I have pretty much perfected the classic "long-arm" picture. You know the one where you pose in the picture and take the picture at the same time. It takes a bit of practice to become skilled at holding your arm out as far away as possible and still keeping everyone in the frame. I have dozens and dozens of adorable shots like this of Drew and I.

Now Dane has come along and I have completely lost my long arm skills. I have tried numerous times over the last year to get shots of the three of us while were out doing something fun or playing at home. I have yet to get a shot where you can see all three of our faces. Below is a sample of how the pics turn out. I tried to take these on a beautiful day in October when the boys and I were frolicking in the back-yard. (yes I used the word frolicking)

Great smiles but where did Drew go?

OH! There he is, sort of.

We're getting closer!

Forget it, I'll just take a picture of myself.

This last one really makes me laugh because the boys were both still in my lap. I have seriously lost my camera mo-jo. Oh well I'll keep trying and end up with some pretty funny shots in the meantime.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Birthday Boy

We had a big milestone around here this week. Dane had his first birthday! If I had written this post four days ago it would have been full of all kinds of parenting cliches. Ones like these:
"I can't believe its been a year"
"Time goes by so fast"
"My baby isn't a baby anymore"

Luckily I waited a few days so I could write about this with a slightly clearer head. I've recovered from the birthday cake buzz and aching uterus. I can celebrate now. My baby is 1! Yay!

November 2, 2008

November 2, 2009
He has been such a wonderful addition to our little family. Every day I learn a bit more about this person and I continue to be impressed. He's a joy to have in our lives, he has made his brother so much happier. For a long time we felt a void and one year ago that void was finally filled. He was SO worth the wait.
Happy Birthday Daner!

Going Old School

This morning I had a moment with Drew where I had absolutely had it. Had it! I was nearing that moment of losing my temper and along with it any parental effectiveness I might have. But before I could; I had a flashback. I saw myself sitting at the kitchen table writing sentences over and over and over again. Usually it was the definition of a word like "kindness" or "lying". Sometimes it was an apology note. It wasn't a discipline tool my parents used often but it definitely made its impact. So I figured I had nothing to lose and I tried it.

I made Drew sit at the kitchen table and write out "Do Not Pick Up Dane" ten times. The history behind this sentence is that I have to tell Drew at least 20 times a day not to pick up his brother. Dane is getting too heavy for Drew and I can pretty much count on the fact that he'll get dropped and sometime he gets really hurt. Since Drew is only in Kindergarten and just starting to write, I wrote it out first in yellow highlighter and made him trace it. I figured I'm getting a two for one here. He's hopefully burning this rule into his little head and practicing his letters at the same time.

Was it affective? Did it work? I don't know but I did have to chuckle a little at the sight of him hunched over his paper, pencil in hand working so diligently on his punishment. After he was done I asked him if he thought he would have an easier time remembering now that he wrote the rule so many times. His response "I don't know. Maybe we should hang it up on the wall so I can look at it and remember". That's a good sign right?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Soccer Stuff

I have been meaning to post about soccer all season long. Almost 8 weeks ago I started coaching Drew's kindergarten team. I coached last spring and enjoyed it and was looking forward to having this experience again with Drew. This time around though things have been seriously different.

To start off with I was given a team with all boys. Six 5-year old boys. Anyone spend a lot of time with 5 year old boys? If you have; you know exactly where this is going. These boys are enthusiastic, energetic, creative, curious and exhausting all at the same time. I started the season off trying to be the nice, encouraging happy-go-lucky coach. After two practices of having my butt kicked by little boys I realized I needed to take a new approach. They were shocked when they showed up to practice to find me armed with a whistle and an attitude.

We instilled a new "one-warning" policy. They would get one warning from me and then after that spend the rest of practice on the sidelines watching. I only actually had to do this twice the entire rest of the season. At first I was worried that they would hate me and hate practices. That it wouldn't be fun enough for them. But I very quickly realized that they loved the new me. All of the sudden I had order and some control and they were trying hard to please me and do well. It was amazing! They are still kids so things weren't perfect by any means but definitely better.

This past season has been so challenging for me but also so rewarding. I'm happy to have met these little boys and happy to have had a small little part in their lives. I don't think I have a future in coaching by any means but it's nice to step out of your personal box and try something new.

Pumpkin Pickin'

Last weekend we finally made it out to the pumpkin patch. Brian's work schedule and Drew's soccer schedule was making it really tough to find the time but we managed to squeeze it in. I find the pumpkin patch phenomenon really funny. Brian and I were both raised here and there was never anything resembling a pumpkin patch when we were kids. A big day picking out pumpkins consisted of going to the grocery store and climbing through the huge pile sitting out front until you found "the one". It was usually something we did after school on the way home one day. No big event or day long excursion. I'm not complaining; I love what a fun tradition this has become. I'm just wondering who finally decided it would be a good idea to grow pumpkins here and then ask people to drive out to your property and pay for the joy of picking one out? How did they know it would be so popular?

Dane staking claim to his perfect pumpkin.
Along with finding pumpkins we also played a rousing game of Barnyard Golf, rode the zoo train and made some new friends at the petting zoo. Every body had a good time even if we all had frozen fingers and toes by the time we headed back to the car.

Drew searched long and hard for this baby.

I was glad we got a family picture taken. We definitely don't have enough of those. I would have like it better if I hadn't tripped over the hay and landed flat on my face right before this was taken. I don't know why Brian even tries to take me out in public anymore!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Heading to Hood River

This weekend we enjoyed one of my absolute favorite family traditions. We drove north to spend a day in Hood River. I should explain that I am absolutely and irrevocably in love with Hood River and the surrounding area. Every time we visit I spend the whole time fantasizing about living there. If I could have it my way we would buy an old creaky yet charming house right near downtown. We would be able to walk every time we wanted to visit a coffee shop or cafe or bookstore. Oh and we would buy all our produce directly from one of the hundreds of orchards near by and spend hot summer days frolicking in the Columbia River. So just to keep my hope alive we visit at least once a year and do as many of those things as possible.

This weekend we hit Rasmussen Farms a totally adorable orchard that offers tons of apples and pears for sale along wtih a free corn maze and pumpkin bowling for kids. Then after that we headed downtown. This weekend was the second annual Hops Fest so Brian was giddy with excitement to get down there. This event was advertised as "family friendly" but I should have known that any event revolving around alcohol is not truly family friendly. The small section they had for kids took us about 5 minutes to go through and then the boys were officially bored. So Brian and I decided to part ways for a couple of hours. I left him there to sample micro-brews and mingle while the boys and I walked around town.

As usual we had a great time and as usual I had a huge longing in my heart as we drove away. Who knows, maybe someday I'll get to live out my fantasy of being a Hood River resident. Or maybe Hood River could never live up to my expectations and its just better that I dream about it. Either way our annual trek up north is one family tradition that I will make sure we hang on to no matter what.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mommy is Tired

Daner turned 10 mos old a few days ago. To honor this big event I thought it would be fun to document what a day with Dane is like. Since he became mobile, he has become extremely busy. He never seems to stop, even when I beg him to please just stop for one minute so Mommy can rest/eat/pee. Below are some shots of him being a very helpful little guy.

Emptying the dishwasher

Vacuuming (we have a serious love affair with the vacuum)

Checking to make sure the dog has water.

Putting his shoes away with the skillets.
My favorite is putting his shoes under the stove. He was very persistent about doing that most of the afternoon. Every time I turned around he had a shoe in his hand and he was crawling to the kitchen as fast as little legs would take him. On my list for the weekend; something to lock that drawer! It's exhausting and sometimes frustrating but I still love every second I have with him at home. I would just love it all a little more if I could sit down and take a break!

First Day of Kindergarten

Yesterday was a big day around here. Drew started Kindergarten! So being the enthusiastic mom that I am; I documented the whole morning as best as I could. He was not all that excited about the camera going off every ten minutes but he tolerated it for me.

Eating waffles.

Getting handsome for the day.

Finally he's ready!

The best part of the morning was when we got to the school. Brian was waiting for us so that he could be there to walk Drew in on his big day. It was a huge surprise and it made him so happy. I'm really glad I got this moment on film.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Special Morning

Drew has really done an amazing job adjusting to having a new baby in the house. He had 5 wonderful years of being the only child and I really expected him to struggle with the new dynamic of having two kids in the house. But he really has been great. This is why back in July, I surprised Drew with a special early morning adventure for just the two of us. Balloons over Bend is an annual event around here that I have always wanted to go to. But in order to really appreciate the beauty of the hot air balloon festival you have to be a very early riser. This year I decided it was worth losing some shut eye if I could get Drew up-close and personal wtih some hot air balloons.

Enjoying the beauty.

I woke Drew up at an ungodly hour and told him we were going to see hot air balloons. He was groggy but he seemed excited once he understood what we were doing. We hopped in the car in our pajamas; made a pit stop at Starbucks and headed out. When we got there it was a little breezy so only one balloon was actually inflated. But it was beautiful and he was able to get as close as he wanted. While it would have been so much more exciting for him to see twenty balloon shovering in the sky; he still had a great time. And I promised we would do it again next year.

Beach Weekend

At the end of June we had our first annual LAM family weekend. LAM is a really embarassing ancronym that my friends and I came up with ions ago in college and that is all I'm going to divulge. As I said it's embarassing. We headed to Seaside to spend a weekend with our very good friends the Tax's and the Dunn's. This weekend was especially meaningful for me. Angie and Leah are two of the most important women in my life and since college we have all gone in different directions. We have still remained close and even managed to have girls weekends on a pretty regular basis. This year we decided it was time to include our families in these get togethers. So we threw everybody into one house together for 3 days and it couldn't have gone better. Everyone had an amazing time and we all agreed this trip has to be an annual thing. It will be so amazing to watch our children grow up together and be friends.

Dane and Jensen chilling on the beach.

The whole gang in front of our beach house.

We ate too much, we drank too much, we played in the ocean. And we did it all with amazing friends. We can't wait until next year!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Catching Up

I seriously think I was living in LaLa Land when I started this blog. I had visions of myself plopping down in front the computer every couple of days to record all the great things that I was doing as a new stay at home mom. Well reality has come calling and I now consider myself lucky if I get to spend 10 minutes online reading emails. Then there is the stress of finding another 10 minutes to respond to said emails. I don't know why I thought I would also have the time to write some amazing blog full of entertaining anecdotes.

I shouldn't make it sound as though I literally don't have 10 minutes to spare. Because I do find myself with that extra 10 minutes here and there but I have so many things to choose from that the blog never seems to make it to the top of the list. My favorite thing to do when I have a free moment is absolutely nothing. It's not all that productive but it feels so good!

I really do want this blog to be a place to record special moments with my family. I want them to be able to come here and read about the things we have done together. I am vowing to stop thinking about the things I'll put in blog and actually start writing them.

So in order to get caught up a little bit; the next few posts will be about things we have done in the last few months that I really want to make sure get written down. Whew! I have some writing to do!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

"When I Was a New Kid"

We hear the sentence "When I was a new kid" about a hundred times a day around here. It is how Drew starts about 90 percent of his stories, and he tells a lot of stories. All day long we hear about the experiences he had when he was a new kid. According to him he lived in Africa, had 21 brothers and sisters and a mom who was very different from me. If you believe in such things I guess you could say he is remembering his previous life/lives. I don't really fly that way though. I have another more practical theory. He is constantly bombarded with new information from the adults in his life. Along wtih the new info he receives he also hears a lot about things that happened when he was a baby or before he was born etc. I think his New Kid stories are his way of having his own stories to tell and getting to feed us new information the way we feed it to him. It's his way of feeling like one of the grown-ups.

Most of the time I listen very intently and ask questions and try to let his creative juices flow when he tells me a story. I know that he is creating a world that is all his own where he gets to decide what happens and I respect that. But there are days when I really hate his "other" mom. She is apparently way cooler than I am. For instance she used to be a super hero. I have no powers to speak of other than my power to make him do things he just doesn't want to. She also took him to the beach a lot more often than I do. I actually find myself resenting this way cooler mom that he sometimes enjoys a lot more than he does me. How ridiculous is it for me to have resentment toward an imaginary mom? Is this a sign of some serious insecurity on my part? Or maybe I'm just tired of hearing the "New Kid" stories over and over and over again. Either way its one of those little quirks about Drew that I know we will miss when he is older. I will continue to listen to him talk about his other mom as enthusiastically as possible because you know what? He's talking to me, and he loves it and I don't want that to EVER go away.

The House of Brotherly Love

No words necessary. Just images of the love that is oozing around this house. Who knew they would dig each other so much? Brotherly love abounds around here!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Tooth Tales

Exciting things have been happening around here. Drew has lost his very first tooth! When we first discovered that he had a loose tooth several weeks ago; I got very excited. Probably even more excited than Drew. For me it just meant that we really have entered a new phase of childhood for him. He's old enough to be losing teeth!

So for about two weeks we had daily wiggle tests on the tooth. I was starting to get worried that we were going to have to help it along and I knew that would make Drew nervous. Luckily it just fell out on his own while he was wrestling with his Daddy one day. There was a little bit of blood at first so Drew wasn't happy so much as scared by the blood. As soon as it stopped though he started to get very worked up about his first visit from the tooth fairy.

He decided right before bed that he didn't like the idea of a strange fairy coming into his bedroom in the middle of night. And really who can blame him? The whole concept is a little creepy. So to make him feel safer we decided to leave the tooth in a glass of water on the kitchen counter. And because he was lucky enough to lose his tooth right before Valentine's Day he got money and a special Valentine from the tooth fairy. I don't think he'll be at all worried about the next visit from her.

So being the sappy mom that I am I have to admit I'm a little sad about losing that first baby tooth. One by one they will all fall out and continually remind me that my baby is not a baby anymore. He's growing up.

Art Swap 2009

This past week Drew and I took part in a fun project. I signed Drew up to be part of a kids art swap. We were sent the names and addresses of 5 little boys from all over for Drew to send a piece of art to. These same little boys were also going to be sending him something. In this case the art in particular was an Artist Trading Card. A small piece the size of a baseball card that Drew decorated. It was so much fun to work with him and decide what he was going to do with his trading cards. We decided to do something different on each card which meant more work but really let Drew have fun and create. Here is a picture of him holding up his finished pieces. We put them all in the mail today. He was most excited about the one we were sending to New Zealand. I explained to him that New Zealand was all the way across the ocean which made it all the more interesting to him.
It was a great way for him to be crafty and also to connect with kids in other parts of the world. After the success of this first swap I think we will definitely participate in more. His world has been expanded just a little bit more I hope.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Baby Dane

Today's post is dedicated to the newest member of our family. Little Dane, or as we have taken to calling him at home; Daner. In just a few days he will be three months old. I can't believe how quickly time has passed since he arrived. I know that's not a very original statement, all parents say time flies by but the reason we all say it is because its true! I already feel like my baby is growing up way too fast. I miss the little newborn cry that is already gone, and I miss the way he would sleep on my chest all curled up in a ball. Now his cry is deeper, stronger and he sleeps best flat on his back with his arms stretched over his head.

So at three months we are already starting to see little bits of personality come out. Daner is an extremely mellow baby. I'm amazed at how much time he can spend just hanging out taking things in. I wonder how much of his world he's absorbing and what exactly is being done with all of this new information. Brian and I are always commenting that it appears that great things are going on behind his little blue eyes. I think he will amaze us someday. This is a very different experience for us. Our first baby was all about motion and action and energy. This time not so much. It's kind of nice to have a different experience. It reminds us that Dane is and always will be a completely different person than his brother.

He has so many little quirks that I love about him. The way his upper lip sticks out just a little further than his bottom one. The way that he tries so hard to get my fingers in his mouth while I'm changing his clothes. Any time a finger comes anywhere near his face he opens wide, stretches his neck to reach and lets out this growl as he tries with all his might to get some part of my hand in his mouth. It's a game for him and it makes me laugh every time. I also love the serious looks he gives us. He has the brow furrow down pat, its as if he knows something we don't and he can't wait until we finally figure it out.

I love the way he gazes at his older brother. Its already apparent that he finds Drew awe inspiring. I can't wait to watch their relationship blossom into something special. I think it would be terribly sad for me as their mother if they didn't grow up to love and value each other.

Even though I am mourning the time that has already passed with Dane; I am looking forward to the next three months. Everyday I get to know him a little more and its truly a gift to be able to do that.

So Happy 3 Month Birthday Daner! We love you and we are so happy that you came to us this year.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome 2009

Dear Drew and Dane,

Happy New Year boys! It's 2009 and I am so excited about the year we have ahead of us. I made a big decision that is affecting us all. I won't be going back to work; instead I'll be home to take care of you guys. Drew this will especially affect you since you are 5 years old and I've been a working mom your entire life. I can't tell you how happy I am to get the chance to have some real adventures with you before you start going to school full time. Every time you tell me how glad you are that I don't go to work any more I know I've made the right decision.

Dane you will grow up only knowing life with me at home. You won't have any idea what it's like to have to go to a babysitter while mom runs off to work in the morning. I hope you will one day appreciate how special that is. I have so many plans for you and I over the next few years.

This does mean that as a familiy we will have less money. This is something that Daddy and I will have to work with but we agree that it will be worth it. It might be hard sometimes when we can't eat out as often as we want or buy everything we want but hopefully we will be able to teach you guys that family is far more important than anything that can be bought. My hope for 2009 is that we become closer as a family and gain some perspective about the things in life that are truly valuable.

So here's to an amazing year and great start to our new life!
