Vacuuming (we have a serious love affair with the vacuum)
Checking to make sure the dog has water.
My favorite is putting his shoes under the stove. He was very persistent about doing that most of the afternoon. Every time I turned around he had a shoe in his hand and he was crawling to the kitchen as fast as little legs would take him. On my list for the weekend; something to lock that drawer! It's exhausting and sometimes frustrating but I still love every second I have with him at home. I would just love it all a little more if I could sit down and take a break!
Ahhhhh...Hood River does have a cool magical quality about it. I would even consider that area except I still have vivid rain-filled memories of anything on the other side of the mountains. Ross thinks he's going to "retire" in Hood River and have a fruit farm. I think he's a fruit.