Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Wardrobe Malfunction

There's been a battle brewing in my house the last couple of months. A battle that I thought I would get to avoid by only having boys. I thought wrong. Drew has become extremely opinionated about what he's going to wear. I mean EXTREMELY opinionated. It used to be that I could lay out his clothes for the day and he would go put them on without any further discussion. Lately though it seems like he's determined not to wear anything that I have deemed appropriate for the day.

I try to be a "pick your battles" kind of mom; but when it's 40 degrees outside and he wants to wear shorts and a t-shirt to school I have to step in. I have finally given in on weekends when we are just spending the day at home. But if we are leaving the house then I have to be the worlds meanest mom by making him wear pants. God Forbid! You would think by the crying and the stomping and the slamming of doors that I was making him wear a dress to school. I mean seriously?

Then we have to deal with the tightness of the pants. I buy him pants that fit. He then puts on a belt and tightens the belt as tight as his gut will allow. He leaves the house with his stomach cinched in and a belt induced wedgie going on in the back. Some days I make him take the belt off but most days I'm way to beat down to fight it. I am a little concerned though, I mean he could be doing some internal damage here. If he has fertility issues as an adult I will so be throwing this tight belt thing in his face.

Of course it wouldn't be a complete morning here if we didn't have round two over the coat. Two years ago Drew's Grandma bought him a hoodie with skateboards on it. He is madly in love with this jacket. I have two problems with this hoodie: it's not heavy enough for really cold days and it's getting to be way too small. He tries to wear it to school every morning. Again I attempt to be reasonable and will let him wear it if it's going to be a fairly mild day but when there is snow on the ground or freezing rain coming from the sky I think he needs to wear a freaking coat. Ugghh, it's exhausting. Seriously exhausting.

I've been thinking about a closet overhaul for Drew. Maybe if we seperated his clothes by school clothes and not-for-school-clothes. Then I could let him pick out what he wanted to wear as long as they come from the appropriate drawers. This might be a good weekend project for Drew and I. A way to work together to solve this problem. I'm actually getting a little excited about this idea. If I involve him then he might be more open to the idea and feel like he has a little control.

I'll have to be sure to post an update on this in a week or so. Let project Drew's Closet begin!

1 comment:

  1. ROTFL.....hahahahahhaaaaa oh my gosh the fertility issues. It's like he wants to be a little old man already with the pants. Do his white socks show under the hem too? :-)
