Dane is coming up on 16 months old already. Can you believe it? He has just morphed into this little opinionated, walking, talking toddler the last few weeks. The most exciting part is all the words he has. So far we have cra-cra (cracker), chzzzz (cheese), teeeeeeeeeezzzzz (teeth), og (dog), at (cat), ock (clock), dada and baba.
I don't think I need to translate Dada that one's obvious but can you guess what Baba is? Or rather who Baba is? Yep its true, Baba is me. He calls me Baba. WTH??? Brian was the first to notice it and I thought he was seriously mistaken. So then he started testing Dane, pointing at me and asking "Who's that?". Dane always answers with a smile and a squeal "Baba!". Then when he's crying and I pick him up he lays his head on my shoulder and pats my boobs saying baba over and over again.
When I told a friend about this weird little name she said that since I was his bottle for the first year of his life it makes sense that he would give me this moniker. Maybe she's right, or maybe even though he has been weened he's still oddly obsessed with my boobs? Who knows where it came from but I've decided its time to embrace my new name. I am Baba!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Future Reality TV Star??
Two things happened recently that have made me think that Drew has a future in Reality TV. First I stumbled upon the TV show Hoarders on A&E. Has anyone else seen this. They go into the home's of compulsive hoarders. The episode I watched spent a great deal of time showing you just how horrifying it was; how these people were literally climbing over piles of junk to get to the toilet etc. Then they bring in a psychologist and a professional organizer and they get to work simultaneously traumatizing the homeowner and throwing everything out. It was one of those shows that I just couldn't turn away from even though I knew I should.
Then a couple of days later Drew and I went into his room to work on cleaning it up together. I was pulling piles and piles of stuffed animals off his bed to change his sheets when I suggested we get rid of some of them. It was ridiculous. He was sleeping in about 1/5 of his bed space because the rest was taken up with animals. Even suggesting this brought on the tears and the explanations of why each and every animal was so important. That's when I started having visions of an older Drew standing in the middle of a house completely full to the brim with stuffed animals. Clutching desperately to a ratty stuffed dog saying "No I can't throw it away I won this at the county fair in 2010! It's special to me!" This is going to be my son, I know it. Do you think the people that are on Hoarders get paid well? Maybe he could make a career out of it. When he's in college he can go on The Real World as the freak who still sleeps with stuffed animals and then when he's 40 and single he can move up to Hoarders!
Then a couple of days later Drew and I went into his room to work on cleaning it up together. I was pulling piles and piles of stuffed animals off his bed to change his sheets when I suggested we get rid of some of them. It was ridiculous. He was sleeping in about 1/5 of his bed space because the rest was taken up with animals. Even suggesting this brought on the tears and the explanations of why each and every animal was so important. That's when I started having visions of an older Drew standing in the middle of a house completely full to the brim with stuffed animals. Clutching desperately to a ratty stuffed dog saying "No I can't throw it away I won this at the county fair in 2010! It's special to me!" This is going to be my son, I know it. Do you think the people that are on Hoarders get paid well? Maybe he could make a career out of it. When he's in college he can go on The Real World as the freak who still sleeps with stuffed animals and then when he's 40 and single he can move up to Hoarders!
I'm nothing if not a supportive parent so I guess if this is the path he must take then I'll get on board. Stuffed animals as presents for every holiday from here on out!
Dane's crib. Will this be a family thing? The Iverson brothers-in-hoarding.
Spreading The Love!
We had another great Valentine's Day this year in the Iverson Home. Valentine's Day has a few rules in our house. No presents, no flowers, no store bought boxes of chocolate. We do a family-wide Valentine exchange and all Valentine's must be hand-made. I'm not a V-day Grinch or anything. I just wanted everyone to put a little more thought and feeling into Love Day. Christmas was not all that long ago so I just don't like the idea of everyone accumulating more stuff so soon after. Instead we work our tushes off making each other great expressions of love. We also made Valentine's for Drew's class, all the grandparents and a few good friends that live far away. I'm proud to say that everyone, even Daddy gets into this tradition.

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