Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Just call me "Baba"

Dane is coming up on 16 months old already. Can you believe it? He has just morphed into this little opinionated, walking, talking toddler the last few weeks. The most exciting part is all the words he has. So far we have cra-cra (cracker), chzzzz (cheese), teeeeeeeeeezzzzz (teeth), og (dog), at (cat), ock (clock), dada and baba.

I don't think I need to translate Dada that one's obvious but can you guess what Baba is? Or rather who Baba is? Yep its true, Baba is me. He calls me Baba. WTH??? Brian was the first to notice it and I thought he was seriously mistaken. So then he started testing Dane, pointing at me and asking "Who's that?". Dane always answers with a smile and a squeal "Baba!". Then when he's crying and I pick him up he lays his head on my shoulder and pats my boobs saying baba over and over again.

When I told a friend about this weird little name she said that since I was his bottle for the first year of his life it makes sense that he would give me this moniker. Maybe she's right, or maybe even though he has been weened he's still oddly obsessed with my boobs? Who knows where it came from but I've decided its time to embrace my new name. I am Baba!

1 comment:

  1. He's just a mini-man remember - they are all obsessed with boobs! :-)
