Monday, November 23, 2009

It's Story Time!

I always knew that I would want my kids to love reading as much as I do. I've made sure that books are a big part of life in the Iverson household. Lately though; Dane has taken it to a whole new level. He spends a better part of his days with books. Since he has started walking; he has taken to picking up a book and then following me around with it, while grunting cave man style. His little face says "Read to me Mama" and I of course can't resist. So I drop what I'm doing and sit down to read. We do this A LOT. I mean like all day long repeatedly. Just this morning Dane sat in my lap for 45 minutes without moving while I read the same five board books to him over and over and over again.

"I know we just read this but please one more time?"

It's great that he loves his books so much right? I mean it's exactly what I spend all day every day reading Elmo and Clifford and Maisy books ad nauseum. That's every woman's dream isn't it?

See how cute and insistent he is?

Sometimes we get what we wish for. Sometimes we should REALLY think about what we are wishing for.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

The Elusive "Long-Arm Shot"

Over the years Drew and I have pretty much perfected the classic "long-arm" picture. You know the one where you pose in the picture and take the picture at the same time. It takes a bit of practice to become skilled at holding your arm out as far away as possible and still keeping everyone in the frame. I have dozens and dozens of adorable shots like this of Drew and I.

Now Dane has come along and I have completely lost my long arm skills. I have tried numerous times over the last year to get shots of the three of us while were out doing something fun or playing at home. I have yet to get a shot where you can see all three of our faces. Below is a sample of how the pics turn out. I tried to take these on a beautiful day in October when the boys and I were frolicking in the back-yard. (yes I used the word frolicking)

Great smiles but where did Drew go?

OH! There he is, sort of.

We're getting closer!

Forget it, I'll just take a picture of myself.

This last one really makes me laugh because the boys were both still in my lap. I have seriously lost my camera mo-jo. Oh well I'll keep trying and end up with some pretty funny shots in the meantime.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Birthday Boy

We had a big milestone around here this week. Dane had his first birthday! If I had written this post four days ago it would have been full of all kinds of parenting cliches. Ones like these:
"I can't believe its been a year"
"Time goes by so fast"
"My baby isn't a baby anymore"

Luckily I waited a few days so I could write about this with a slightly clearer head. I've recovered from the birthday cake buzz and aching uterus. I can celebrate now. My baby is 1! Yay!

November 2, 2008

November 2, 2009
He has been such a wonderful addition to our little family. Every day I learn a bit more about this person and I continue to be impressed. He's a joy to have in our lives, he has made his brother so much happier. For a long time we felt a void and one year ago that void was finally filled. He was SO worth the wait.
Happy Birthday Daner!

Going Old School

This morning I had a moment with Drew where I had absolutely had it. Had it! I was nearing that moment of losing my temper and along with it any parental effectiveness I might have. But before I could; I had a flashback. I saw myself sitting at the kitchen table writing sentences over and over and over again. Usually it was the definition of a word like "kindness" or "lying". Sometimes it was an apology note. It wasn't a discipline tool my parents used often but it definitely made its impact. So I figured I had nothing to lose and I tried it.

I made Drew sit at the kitchen table and write out "Do Not Pick Up Dane" ten times. The history behind this sentence is that I have to tell Drew at least 20 times a day not to pick up his brother. Dane is getting too heavy for Drew and I can pretty much count on the fact that he'll get dropped and sometime he gets really hurt. Since Drew is only in Kindergarten and just starting to write, I wrote it out first in yellow highlighter and made him trace it. I figured I'm getting a two for one here. He's hopefully burning this rule into his little head and practicing his letters at the same time.

Was it affective? Did it work? I don't know but I did have to chuckle a little at the sight of him hunched over his paper, pencil in hand working so diligently on his punishment. After he was done I asked him if he thought he would have an easier time remembering now that he wrote the rule so many times. His response "I don't know. Maybe we should hang it up on the wall so I can look at it and remember". That's a good sign right?