Monday, December 7, 2009

And away we go!

So the season has officially started. I always feel like Thanksgiving Day is the equivalent to starting a big race. The whole family is at the starting line; stretching, warming up, plotting the course in their heads. The minute the turkey hits the table it's like the gun going off. Everyone starts running! We eat, we shop, we socialize, we go as fast as we can and before you know it we've hit the finish line. Evey year I tell myself we'll slow down and every year it feels just as chaotic as it always has. But the thing is that in the midst of it I'm having a blast. Sure there's some stress here and there but usually it's unnecessary and totally self-imposed. But when I think about cutting out some of our many holiday traditions I can't think of one that I would want to stop doing. I'm like a holiday stress addict or something.

Hopefully I will at least be able to find the time to write about all the memories we create this season as they happen. There is a lot to look forward to in the next couple of weeks; the big Christmas tree hunt, Drew's 6th birthday, visits with Santa, building Gingerbread houses at Grammy's house, homemade Christmas presents to make and of course the main event Christmas morning.

Stay tuned, there should be much more to come!

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